Print To Pdf File Linux Console
Posted By admin On 16.10.19
Command Print From Terminal

Print to PDF with Ubuntu (Linux) 17 March 2013. Like with any other system some time you will need to print to a PDF document to send this to someone else. Ubuntu & linux do not come with a pre-installed PDF printer thus you have to set it up yourself. There may be some cairo command line tool (I really don't know), but I guess it's a bit tricky, as many applications use cairo to print their own documents, and that application is the one which is able to understand the file format. Cairo won't be able to read random file formats. Hi, 1 The manual page of ' lp ' command does talk about an option. Very first hit in Google for 'how to print one page of a pdf in linux' is.
This software I tested on Solaris 11.2 operating system can create that scheme which is called 2-up, usually used for hand-out at classrooms or meetings. It is possible to produce other schemes; for example, hand-out with 3 or 4 or more pages on one sheet or both sides of a sheet. It can be run from a terminal as it is a JAR file or just run the GUI for ease of access. Besides Solaris other Linux distributions are also compatible, running the software, as 'executable,' with super-user privileges. Be aware not using 'Open the Archive.'

It is also working on any Windows and Mac where there is already a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed, as is the case most of the time. Software is and is free to download and to use.
Pandoc is a must have swiss knife tool when it comes to conversion between various markup languages. To get you started first install pandoc converter: sudo apt-get install pandocGeneral and most frequently used syntax for pandoc is: pandoc -f -t Please note that you need texlive-latex-base package to be installed first, before you can convert to PDF format. Otherwise you will get a following error: pandoc: pdflatex not found. Pdflatex is needed for pdf output.To install it: sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-baseNow you can easily convert any file to pdf. Pandoc -t txt -t pdf source.txtreplace txt with your text format(odt - html.).