Tennessee Serial Killer 1902 Indian
Posted By admin On 27.09.19The property where serial killer Jeremiah Lexer murdered his entire family draws. In Talbot, Tennessee. Until one fateful day in July 1902. People by Last.

Tennessee Serial Killer 1902 Indian Average ratng: 8,1/10 5725votes. A few days ago, an Osage Indian woman named Foxwater was arrested at Tulsa a few. Detective talks about East Tennessee serial killings. He was not going to leave any witnesses behind.' Experts say that's a common step in the evolution of a serial killer. Most such killers.
FULL TEXT: This is a story of a lost gold mine. A few daysago, an Osage Indian woman named Foxwater was arrested at Tulsa a few days agoon the charge of having murdered four white men who had been her husbandswithin the past ten years. The bleached bones of three men were lately found bya prospecting party – and later the woman confessed that they were. Sheconfessed that she killed these men because they tried to wring from her thesecret of a lost gold mine, the whereabouts of which she has knowledge.
Molly Foxwater is not an ugly, coarsefeatured woman, as manysquaws are, but she posseses many of the refined features of her white sisters.She has been well educated and has also traveled much. Ten years ago she wasmarried to a young man named Mercer. He came from Illinois to Indian country.There had always been more ore less romance surrounding the maiden, and thefact that she possessed a secret of a gold mine was enough to cause any youngman with romantic tendencies to seek her out. Mercer did so to his sorrow. Four years ago she was married again, this time it a mannamed Smith.
He was taken on a long trip, wined and dined by this Indianmaiden. In less than six months his curiosity got the better of him, and he wasput out of the way, for trying to make his wife tell where she got her gold.This summer she was married, for the fourth time, to William Winters. He diedthree weeks ago and his body was found by the roadside.
The doctors found hehad been given slow poison and it killed him while en route home. Hercalculations had failed her and he dropped from his horse dead and his body wasfound and carried to a physician before she knew any thing about it.
“When my father died he told me a secret of a mine supposedto be lost. This mine he took from a party of Spaniards, whom he killed. Hetold me how to go to find the mine.
I have always lived off the gold found inthis mine and I do not care who knows it. I am sure that no one will ever findit. I have been married four times, if is true, and in each case I always didwell by my husband. But they all wanted me to tell them where the mine was andsome of them even attempted to follow me when I would go to visit it to getgold to buy food for their mouths.
None of them ever had to work a stroke afterthey married me, and I could not and yet cannot see why they wanted to knowwhere this mine is located. I admit that I killed all four of them but I say itwas done in self-defense. Did they not follow me and try to get me to tell themwhere the mine was? Some of them even threatened to kill me if I did not tell.I think I have good grounds for self-defense and I will fight the case to thebitter end.”. There is a legend regarding this mine.
Serial Killer In Tennessee
It is known as theLouisiana mine and is said to located somewhere in the Grand River hills in theCherokee nation, Indian territory. In early days the Osage Indians had thiscountry for their hunting grounds, and white men who visited them returned eastwith stories of how they used gold for bullets and shod their horses’ hoofswith it instead of steel because the gold was more plentiful.
At that time theIndians told these white people that they were in possession of vast goldmines in their domain, which they had caused the Spaniards to give up.

Serial Killer Definition
This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( December 2012) A is typically a person who three or more people, in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons. There are gaps of time between the killings, which may range from a few days to months, or many years. This list shows serial killers from the 20th century to present day by number of. In many cases, the exact number of victims assigned to a serial killer is not known, and even if that person is convicted of a few, there can be the possibility that they killed many more.Organization and ranking of serial killings is made difficult by the complex nature of serial killers and incomplete knowledge of the full extent of many killers' crimes. To address this, multiple categories have been provided in order to more accurately describe the nature of certain serial murders.
This is not a reflection of an individual's overall rank, which may or may not vary depending on personal opinion concerning the nature and circumstances of their crimes. The fourth column in the table states the number of victims definitely assigned to that particular serial killer, and thus the table is in order of that figure.
The fifth column states the number of possible victims the killer could have murdered. Some of these crimes are unsolved, but were included because they are the work of a serial killer, despite nobody being caught.This list does not necessarily include or members of governments, such as,. Only serial killers with 10 confirmed or suspected murders should be included on this list.