Robert Fripp The League Of Gentlemen Rar
Posted By admin On 16.09.19
Contents.Cultural context The album emerged at the tail-end of the / period in UK music. It was released in the same month as the and combined to release a mail-order compilation of the music of the UK / scene. This, now classic, compilation was released in the form of the promotional cassette tape and effectively marked the end of the scene it celebrated and the start of the 'Indie' period.So the 'League of Gentlemen' was released at a cultural cusp. The band had been positioned by Fripp himself as a 'new wave instrumental dance band' which would suggest that he considered the music produced by the band to be 'New wave' in character. Commentators have pointed to the rawness of the production as significant in so far as this approach had been popular among producers of / recordings of the time.It may be that Robert Fripp was seeking to make his music fit to the prevailing 'alternative' style of the time or it may simply be a reflection of the speed with which the record was recorded and released at the end of an exhausting tour. Whatever the motivation or the underlying reasons the music seems to fit well with the Post-punk scene, a feeling which is only re-inforced by the socio-political messaging laid over the tracks in the form of vocal samples.
Robert Fripp - Exposure. 'Leage Of Gentlemen.' Ick.) then in 1983 Fripp decided that he didn't like his last batch of solo albums. 'League' and 'Manners' were each cut in half. Overdubs were added to 'Manners' and removed from 'Gentlemen.' (no, don't make no kinda sense nohow to me either.) 'Exposure' was completely remixed (in some cases.
The League of Gentlemen was a short-lived new wave group assembled by 's. The group formed in 1980, toured throughout Europe and North America, and disbanded at the end of the year, releasing a self-titled full-length in 1981.The League of Gentlemen was originally the name of an early rock & roll band formed by when he was a teenager during the '60s; this group also included another future member,. In 1980, revived the name in association with a totally different ensemble. Following his return to full-time music-making after the collapse of in 1974, he'd left the music business for three years. The League of Gentlemen was one of the main manifestations of his return. In contrast to the mid-'60s R&B-based band, the newer - also formed in Dorset, curiously enough - was much more an offshoot of the 1973-1974 version of, with its cutting-edge timbres and rhythms, and his Frippertronics experiments of the late '70s.
This group consisted of on organ, on bass, playing drums, and on guitar. The quartet played 77 shows in Europe and the United States that year, and later succeeded on drums.
Robert Fripp Website

The League Of Gentlemen Wiki
The group stayed together through 1981 and generated just one LP, (1981), which was later combined with onto the compilation CD. A follow-up of sorts appeared in 1996, with the release of, a live album recorded in 1980. The group's work is usually categorized under 's name, in keeping with the music of, his collaborations with, etc.