Jurnal Tentang Ekstraksi Dna
Posted By admin On 09.10.19Jurnal Tentang Tanah
JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA 8(1): 7–12 8 langkah awal dalam mengenali profil pita DNA. Namun, yang menjadi kendala adalah terkadang dalam melakukan isolasi DNA, ditemukan DNA. Sehingga menghasilkan kemurnian DNA yang Isolasi dengan Metode Ekstraksi Modifikasi Doyle & Doyle (1990) dalam Diniz (2009) dengan Nitrogen Cair. Tergolong belum optimal. DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) adalah master molecul (molekul utama) yang mengkode semua informasi yang dibutuhka n untuk proses metabolisme dalam setiap organisme (Jamilah, 2005). DNA ini tersusun atas 3 komponen utama yaitu gula deoksiribosa, basa nitrogen dan fosfat yang tergabung membentuk nukleotida (Istanti, 1999).
DNA extraction is needed in the analysis using the Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method because this method identifies nucleic acids. Some extraction methods that can be selected including commercial kits extraction method and phenol-chloroform extraction method. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best quality DNA extract between the two extraction methods.
The DNA extraction process produced DNA concentrations between 31.06 - 410.18 ng / ml for the commercial kit DNA extract and 212.60 - 1502.30 ng / ml for the phenol-choroform DNA extract, while the purity of DNA were 1.82-2.02 for commercial kit DNA extract and 1.93-2.02 for phenol-chloroform DNA extract. The concentration and purity of extracts produced from both methods meet the requirements for molecular analysis. The purity and visualization results of commercial kit DNA extract are better than those produced from extraction from the phenol-chloroform method.
DNA extract obtained from the commercial kit method was chosen to be used in the amplification stage of the method (LAMP).
DNA extraction is the first important step in molecular study. The aim of this research was to compare DNA extraction protocols, PCE and extraction kit for each genetic material sources (blood and feathers). For PCE method, we used three different extraction buffer.
Jurnal Tentang Sistem Informasi
This study suggested that PCE method was more efficient than the extraction kit method. Meanwhile, extraction buffer 2 was more efficient for extracting feather DNA, while extraction buffer 3 was more efficient for extracting blood DNA. Wing feather was a favorable sample as genetic source for DNA extraction.K eywords: DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform, Collocalia fuchiphaga.