Hi Point Firearms Serial Number Location
Posted By admin On 05.10.19He first bought a Hi-Point 9mm about 12 years ago + or -, and it was used. The only thing i could make out on the gun was the serial number.

Source - best possible source for information is Mr. John Stimson, - he's very nice and always ready to share the knowledge of Hi Standard's data.APSerial numbersRegular Serial numbers - Highest serial number shipped for the year. Regular numbers began with 5,000 which shipped October 15, 1932.Note the serial number research is a work in process and these numbers are the best estimates as of the revision data of this page. Although it appears that the guns were generally assembled in numerical sequence, the shipments were not and some guns remained in inventory for weeks, months, or even years between assembly and shipment. The only valid way to determine the shipping date is by researching the individual serial number in the factory records.
(20) SH 34,034Notes:1. 3,000,000 This 9211 Victor shipped 1 March, 19742.
Last gun in regular series shipping in 1975 This 9247 Supermatic Trophy shipped 28 August, 1975.3. Last serial number in regular series excluding the special Victor S/N 3,000,000 This 9329 Double Nine shipped 26 October, 1976.4. First G prefix guns to assembly 8 July, 1975, packed 14, July, shipments began 21, July, 19755. Leisure Group G prefix 12 Aug, 1977.6. G 19,299 - G 19,319 are all 9201 Sport Kings 20 guns all shipped March 1978.7. First High Standard Inc. G20,000 - G 20,105 (103 guns) are all 9244 Supermatic Citations.
G 20,106 - G 20,233 (116 guns) all are 9201 Sport Kings8. G six digit are all 9200 or 9201 Sport Kings Note right most digit is always a zero so the serial number increments by 10's not 1's 254 guns. One exception to numbering is G 162,011.

All shipped October 19789. First ML prefix serial number. To production 7/22/75, packed 7/26/75, shipped 7/25/75. Note records show MIL prefix from MIL 01,001 to MIL 01,099 and ML from ML 01,100 on.
This needs to be verified by observation of actual guns.10. Last Hamden ML prefix 14 December, 197611. EH 00,001 9217 First East Hartford gun 16 June, 197712. First East Hartford ML prefix pistol. First shipments of ML prefix guns 17 June, 1977.13.

Last Leisure Group ML prefix 21 December 1977.14. First pistols with ML prefix made for High Standard, Inc. Mixed production dates between 2 February, 1978 and 9 November, 1978 with one pistol manufactured 16 February, 1980.15. First pistols with ML prefix made for High Standard, Inc 21 March, 197816.
Last regular ML prefix gun 15 September, 1981.17. Gun is a single serial number separated from rest of ML records. Shipped 5/22/198118. MLG prefix are all 9259 Sport Kings 123 guns. All shipped May 1980.19. First SH serial number shipped 5/22/198120.
Last SH gun 25 June, 1984, last observed shipment 28 July, 1984. Last SH serial number SH 34,075, Frames only SH 34,000-SH 34,075. Note overlap with serial numbers of shipped guns.
Elliott 13 November 198421. The early Model C pistols were in a separate serial number series beginning at 500 and ending at 3,116. Earliest shipment began December 1, 1936 with serial numbers 516, 523, and 525 latest shipment was 3,116 shipping on 10/3/1939.22.
The early Model A and D pistols were in a separate serial number series beginning at 500 and ending at 555. Numerous OPEN records. Earliest recorded shipment was April 6, 1938 and latest shipment was on 10/8/193923.
The Model G.380 was also in a separate serial number series. The records run from 100 through 7,881 ut at least one survvoe is known with a serial number below 100.
Shipments are not well ordered with respect to the serial number. Shipment dates range from September 13, 1947 through Late 1951 with a few outliers later. A few G.380's have serial numbers in the regular serial number series between 328,161 and 329,430 all with a ship date of 7/26/1950.Leisure Group sold High Standard Mfg. Corp to High Standard Inc.
, 1978Compiled by John Stimson, Jr.Released 30 March, 2002, Revised 1 April, 2002, Revised 25 Dec, 2003Revised 29 March, 2005, Revised 9 October, 2005, Revised 28 February, 2007Revised 1 May, 2012John J. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Thank you, Len.
I'll try to learn how to do it. Is there a way to move tread to Sticky area?
I see it has posts with 'S' designation, but I'm yet to find how to add that.Chris, thank you for the link, - I enjoyed watching this little animation. This forum is a wealth of the information accumulated by the best in the sport of BE, but most importantly folks are readily share their knowledge. Gathering and processing information is my full time job. So I know how much time it takes.
The fact that I can ask question and get detailed to the point answer rather expeditiously versus spending substantial amount of time researching on internet is enormous benefit. With the work I do, I developed methods of finding and storing information, and I use that for the information I have interest in on personal level too.
So, I'm happy to contribute with what I have, and save folks time. I appreciate many factual posts of yours too!AP. PhotoEscape wrote:Got it.
Thank you, Len. I'll try to learn how to do it. Is there a way to move tread to Sticky area? I see it has posts with 'S' designation, but I'm yet to find how to add that.Chris, thank you for the link, - I enjoyed watching this little animation. This forum is a wealth of the information accumulated by the best in the sport of BE, but most importantly folks are readily share their knowledge. Gathering and processing information is my full time job.
So I know how much time it takes. The fact that I can ask question and get detailed to the point answer rather expeditiously versus spending substantial amount of time researching on internet is enormous benefit.
With the work I do, I developed methods of finding and storing information, and I use that for the information I have interest in on personal level too. So, I'm happy to contribute with what I have, and save folks time. I appreciate many factual posts of yours too!APThe omnipotent potentate does deem this sticky worthy. Below are random found words by Mr Stimson from his forum.the first serial number for the ML prefix pistols which began at ML 01,001Production at East Hartford began in July 1977. Production of the ML prefix gun ended in Hamden in December 1976 but the G prefix 104 series production ended in October 1976 and the 103 series production ended in Hamden in January 1977.You are correct about the G prefix being the last of the slant grip pistol serial numbers. However the ML and G serial numbers ran in parallel until the slant grip pistols stopped production.Your guess about the MLG prefix being the first day is pretty far off the mark.
There were no military grip Sport Kings until after the move to East Hartford. The first ML serial number in East Hartofrd was ML 25,000. The first ML serial number by HSI was perhaps ML 29,709 but then they skipped from ML29,721 to ML 30,000. The first ML Sport Kings were at ML 35,453 (September 1978).
Hi Point Firearms Serial Number Location 1948 Ford F1 Pickup
MLG was from May 1980.
Hi-Point Instruction Sheet for C9-9mm and CF 380-380 A.C.P. Pistols Hi-Point Instruction Sheetfor C9-9mm and CF 380-380 A.C.P.
PistolsSTOP!YOU MUST READ INSTRUCTION SHEETAlways keep it with the pistol. If you lend, give, or sell this pistol, be sure the instruction sheet goes with it. You can get a free instruction sheet from: BEEMILLER INC., 1015 SPRINGMILL ROAD, MANSFIELD, OHIO 44906.GET INSTRUCTIONS FROM A COMPETENT FIREARMINSTRUCTOR BEFORE USING ANY GUN.STATEMENT OF LIMITED WARRANTYThe Model C9-9MM or CF 380-380 A.C.P. Is warranted to the original retail customer for life from date of original purchase against defects in material and or workmanship.
All parts and labor or replacement, at our option, are covered.Transportation to and from repair facilities, damage caused by failure to perform normal maintenance, sales outside the United States, damage due to the use of high pressure, reloaded or other nonstandard ammunition, or any unauthorized repair, modification, misuse, abuse, or alteration of the product is not covered by this Limited Warranty.Any implied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year from date of original retail purchase. Consequential or incidental damages or expenses, or any other expenses are not covered by this warranty.TO OBTAIN SERVICE UNDER WARRANTYSend your firearm to us via Priority Mail or UPS along with a photocopy of your proof of retail purchase freight charges prepaid.
Be sure to include a statement as to the reason for return and make sure to include your complete return street address. Ship your product to the following address: BEEMILLER, INC., 1015 SPRINGMILL ROAD, MANSFIELD, OHIO 44906.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING SHIPPING THROUGH THE U.S. MAIL AND UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, CALL 419-747-9444.FOR BEST RESULTS USE JACKETED AMMUNITION.Page 2PROTECT YOUR EARS AND EYESHearing protectors in the form of ear plugs or ear muffs must be worn by the shooter or anyone nearby. As in any exposure to loud sounds, repeated noise from shooting may cause permanent hearing loss.Shooting glasses or safety glasses must be worn to protect your eyes from all possible burns from powder gas, carbon residue lubricant, metallic particles or similar debris.CAUTIONFor your safety, and that of others, we strongly recommend that you do not store, carry, or handle this, or any other firearm with a cartridge in the barrel until you are ready to shoot.
A cartridge from the Magazine supply can be placed in the barrel, ready to shoot, in about the same length of time as required to move the Safety Slide from the 'Safe' (S) position to the 'Fire' position. Standard magazine capacity is 8 cartridges.We provide reasonable care in the manufacture of this pistol, but assume no responsibility for its care, handling, and use.BE CAREFUL!Page 3ALL FIREARMS ARE DANGEROUSPLEASE BE CAREFUL. NO SAFETYDEVICE REPLACES COMMON SENSE.We strongly advise that you familiarize yourself with all the mechanisms of this gun, or any gun, before putting any ammunition into it. We also strongly advise that the yellow safety plug we provide be kept in the chamber during transportation or storage of this firearm. A new plug will be provided free of charge upon request.SAFETY DEVICES for Models C9-9MM and CF 380-380 A.C.P.Thumb Safety - Simple rotary design blocks sear movement when engaged.Magazine Lock-out Safety - When magazine is removed this mechanism blocks trigger linkage.Last Round Hold Open - Slide locks open after last shot. To release slide, remove magazine or insert loaded magazine, then point in a safe direction, pull slide back with your free hand and release.Chamber Observation Port - Allows operator to observe chamber cavity without opening slide.Passive Internal Drop Safeties -Sear block - a spring loaded plate that falls under the sear pin arm when pistol is dropped on its rear.Counter weight - a weight that counter acts sear movement when pistol is dropped on its handle.Page 4ATTENTIONThis handgun is classified by the A.T.F.
Division of the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Treasury Dept. As a firearm or dangerous weapon and is released by Hi-Point Firearms, Beemiller Inc.
With the express understanding that Hi-Point Firearms, Beemiller Inc. Is not responsible and assumes no liability in any manner whatsoever for injury, death, or damage to property resulting from either intentional or accidental discharge of this handgun, or from it's function when used for purposes or subjected to treatment for which it was not designed. Hi-Point Firearms, Beemiller Inc. Will not honor claims involving this firearm which result from any or a combination of any of the following:a)Improper, careless, or unsafe handling.b)Use of the wrong caliber ammunition.c)Use of ammunition, other than original high quality commercially manufactured ammunition, in good condition.d)Unauthorized adjustments, repairs, or alterations. E)Corrosion or neglect.f)Other influences beyond our direct and immediate control. Hi-Point Firearms, Beemiller Inc.
Will not honor any claim whatsoever by second or any subsequent owner of this firearm.Hi-Point Firearms, Beemiller Inc. Will not be held liable for any injury or damages to any person resulting from thee use of this firearm for any purpose, including civil defense, police activity, hunting dangerous game, or combat.This statement of liability supersedes any other statement of liability, whether expressed or implied.PROTECT YOUR EARS AND EYESHearing protectors in the form of ear plugs or ear muffs must be worn by the shooter or anyone nearby. As in any exposure to loud sounds, repeated noise from shooting may cause permanent hearing loss.Shooting glasses or safety glasses must be worn to protect your eyes from all possible burns from powder gas, carbon residue lubricant, metallic particles or similar debris.1015 Springmill Road - Mansfield, Ohio 44906(419) 747-9444Page 5PARTS LIST FOR MODEL C9-9MM OR CF 380-380 A.C.P.1.Ejection Pin2.Ejection Key3.Ejection Spring4.
Slide5.Firing Pin6.Firing Pin Spring7.Firing Pin Spring Sleeve8.Slide Retainer9.Slide Retainer Pin10.Sear Spring11.Sear Cam12.Sear Assembly13. Frame15.Recoil Spring16.Recoil Spring Guide Rod17.Trigger Pin18.Trigger Assembly19.Grip Screw (2)20. Magazine Catch Assembly22. 8 Shot Magazine Assembly23.
Sear Block Spring24. Sear Block25.
Counter Weight Pivot Pin26. Counter Weight27. Magazine Catch Spring28. Adjustable Rear Sight Assembly29. Fiat punto central locking system. Elevation Screw30. Sight Pivot Screw31.
Adjustable Sight Spring32. Hold Open Pin33. Hold Open Spring35.
Magazine Lockout36. Magazine Lockout Spring37. Dual Lok Wrench/Adjustment Tool38. Dual LokTo order extra magazine send money order for $15.00 per magazine (includes shipping & handling) to: Beemiller Inc., 1015 Springmill Road, Mansfield OH 44906Visa and MasterCard accepted.Prices available upon request.Changes in design may occur from time to time.
Always specify the serial number of your pistol with your inquiry.Care and Use / MaintenanceSlide can be locked open by moving slide to rearmost position and at this time pushing safety lever up into the notch in the slide. Breech, chamber, and barrel inspection and cleaning is easily performed in this position. Barrel should be brushed every 300 - 400 rounds.
Complete disassembly and cleaning should be performed at 1500 - 2000 rounds.DISASSEMBLYPistol must be unloaded to perform disassembly. Move slide to rearmost position, push safety up into small notch, exposing slide retainer pin at rear of frame. Using a 1/8' pin punch, remove retainer pin from frame. Pull safety down, releasing slide, allowing it to return to its normal position. Retract slide 3/8 inch and pull upward.
Hold rear of slide up and push forward; this removes slide assembly from frame. Reassemble by reversing disassembly procedure.Page 6ATTENTION: This pistol is equipped with a last round hold open mechanism.Older Hi-Point magazines may not have the proper clearance for this mechanism. Unclearanced magazines WILL DAMAGE the frame if forced into the pistol.Page 7Safety/Slide Lock is located at top of left grip. Sliding safety lever upward, into notch engages safety, exposes letter (S) on grip and places pistol in 'SAFE' position.Sliding safety lever down, out of notch, places pistol in 'Firing' position.Safety is engaged only when lever is up in the notch, when lever is out of notch, pistol is in 'Firing' position.LOADING THE PISTOL:After loading your Magazine, insert it into the bottom of the handle and push it into the pistol as far as possible. When fully inserted, the Magazine Catch will hook the Magazine and hold it in its proper position. Take the pistol in one hand with a firm grip, making sure your fingers are not touching the trigger. Point Your Pistol in a Safe Direction and with your other hand firmly grasp the serrated portion of the Slide and pull it as far rearward as it will go.
RELEASE THE SLIDE FROM ITS REARMOST POSITION ALLOWING IT TO GO FORWARD ON ITS OWN ACCORD. This procedure places the first cartridge into the chamber and the gun is ready for firing. Subsequent feeding and ejection operations are performed automatically until the last round is fired.
At this time the slide will lock open. To disengage the Hold Open - remove empty magazine, then grasp slide at serrated portion and pull backward until you hear an audible click.
Releasing the slide will return it to the closed position.CAUTION: UNLOAD YOUR PISTOL IF YOU DO NOTINTEND TO SHOOT IMMEDIATELY!UNLOADING WITHOUT FIRING: Always point your pistol in a safe direction before attempting to unload it. To unload unfired cartridges, move the Magazine Catch inward until the Magazine can be pulled from the pistol. AFTER THE MAGAZINE IS REMOVED, PULL THE SLIDE TO THE REAR TO,REMOVE THE CARTRIDGE FROM THE BARREL CHAMBER.